Financial System

Narodowy Bank Polski shares responsibility for the stability and development of the financial system

Narodowy Bank Polski shares responsibility for the stability and development of the financial system

Narodowy Bank Polski shares responsibility for the stability and development of the financial system.  The Governor of NBP is one of the four members – apart from the Minister of Finance, the Chairman of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the President of the Management Board of the Bank Guarantee Fund – members of the Financial Stability Committee. Currently (since 2015), the Financial Stability Committee acts in two areas: as a macroprudential authority (KSF-M) and a body responsible for crisis management in the financial system (KSF-K). The former is chaired by the Governor of NBP and the latter – by the Minister of Finance.

Narodowy Bank Polski actively participates in building the financial safety net and in the activities of the Financial Stability Committee for macroprudential supervision and crisis management.

From the point of view of NBP, the financial security of banks is of particular importance as NBP is their lender of last resort. The stability of the financial system is also a condition for sustainable price stability, balanced economic growth and a smooth operation of the cash settlement system.

Therefore, Narodowy Bank Polski monitors and analyses the situation of Poland’s financial system while results of the analyses are published in elaborations and periodic reports.