Events 2015

Representatives from the Central Bank of Tunisia (CBT) participated in a study visit to the NBP Economic Institute. The study visit took place on 14 -16 December 2015 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with macroeco-nomic determinants of the monetary policy, inflation report as well as work together with NBP experts on the Tunisian GDP and labour market data.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation in the visit and all NBP experts for their contribution.

During the meetings conducted by NBP experts from the Economic Institute, Education and Publishing Department and Regional Branches Department our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to the role of regional branches and consumption of the results of economic surveys in NBP, organizational structure of the NBP’s regional branches and NBP’s economic education programme.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

During the meetings conducted by NBP experts from the Legal Department our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to the legal aspects of NBP international cooperation – selected issues, legislation of internal legal acts and drafting legal opinions – NBP experience and practice and representing NBP before the courts.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Two representatives from the Central Bank of Armenia participated in the study which took place on 17-19 November 2015 at NBP Headquarters in Warsaw.

The experts from the NBP Education and Publishing Department presented the following topics: the NBP’s system of developing the educational campaigns, evaluation of educational activities and social diagnosis of financial literacy status, delivering and enhancing financial literacy through the media educational projects of the NBP. The delegates also had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the project of the NBP’s Money Centre – a modern way of economic education.

The experts from the NBP Public Relations and Marketing Department discussed the following issues: communications policy of NBP, marketing activities and visual identity of NBP, Euro communications policy and the role of the Central European Financial Observer.

Our guests also had the opportunity to discuss the topic of reception organization in light of diplomatic protocol presented by the expert from the International Department.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests and all NBP experts for their active participation and contribution to the event.

The workshop Monetary Policy Operational Framework Development organized by the Domestic Operations Department in cooperation with the International Department took place on 16-18 November 2015 at NBP Headquarters in Warsaw.

16 representatives from central banks took part in the event conducted by the experts from the Domestic Operations Department and the Economic Institute.

The event drew upon the issues of the monetary policy strategy of NBP, liquidity position of the banking sector and its development in Poland, polish interbank market, managing banking sector liquidity, standing facilities and intra-day credit, minimum reserves system in Poland and evolution of the exchange rate regime in Poland. Participants had also an opportunity to familiarize themselves with NBP monetary policy implementation during the financial crisis and ECB’s response to the financial crisis as well as to discuss recent challenges of monetary policy implementation.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

Delegates from the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), headed by Mr Nguyen Viet Dung, participated in a study visit to the Domestic Operations Department held on 12 November 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to monetary policy framework and monetary policy instruments.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The seminar Cash Circulation, Production of Banknotes and Coins, Money Counterfeiting organized by the Cash and Issue Department in cooperation with the Mint of Poland, the Polish Security Printing Works and the International Department, took place in the NBP Head Office on 27-29 October, 2015. The seminar was addressed to central bank’s experts who work in the area of cash circulation and deal with planning and issuing banknotes and coins.

The participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of currency issue policy and management of cash stocks in NBP, quantitative research supporting the activities of the C&I, cash cycle in Poland or NBP tasks in the field of notes and coins’ protection against counterfeiting in Poland.
In addition, the second day of the seminar was dedicated to study visits to the Polish Security Printing Works and the Mint of Poland.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

During the meetings conducted by NBP experts from the Financial Stability Department, Financial Risk Management Department and Education and Publishing Department our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to the indicators used by NBP to monitor financial stability, macroprudential policy function in NBP, analysis of non-credit financial institutions stability, NBP economic education programme and financial risk management in NBP.

Apart from that participants had meetings with the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority and had an opportunity to be acquainted with financial supervisory issues.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

During the meetings conducted by NBP experts from the Office of the President and International Department our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to the organizational and legal principles of Narodowy Bank Polski, main functions and job description of the Protocol Division and organization of international conferences at NBP.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The workshop Advanced Financial Risk Management Methods organized for the eighth time by the International Department in cooperation with the Financial Risk Management took place on 22-24 September 2015 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the workshop 24 representatives from 14 central banks had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with such topics as:

  • recent trends in global reserves management,
  • optimization techniques supporting asset allocation,
  • advanced methods of credit risk management.


Moreover, the lectures, combined with practical sessions, included also credit risk management case study and investment game

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The seminar Payment Systems and Non-Cash Transactions, organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Payment Systems Department, took place in the NBP Head Office on 15-17 September, 2015. The seminar was addressed to central bank’s experts working in the area of payment systems, payment system oversight and non-cash payment instruments.

The participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of legal framework of payment system in Poland, single euro payments area (SEPA), bank account numbering, securities settlement systems, payment system oversight and payment cards in Poland.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

One representative from the Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic (CBAR) participated in the study visit to which took place on 18-19 September 2015 as an extention of the seminar organized between 15 and 17 September 2015.

During the meetings conducted by NBP experts from the Payment System Department our guest had the opportunity to obtain a more specific knowledge related to the payment systems and non-cash transactions.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest and all NBP experts for their active participation and contribution to the event.

Representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) participated in an internship held between 7-11 September 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the meetings conducted by NBP experts from the Internal Audit Department our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to general aspects of the internal audit in a central bank.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and NBP experts for their contribution.

The NBP workshop Basic Analysis of Statistical Time Series organized by the International Department and Department of Statistics took place in the NBP Head Office on 8-10 September 2015.

5 representatives from 5 central banks took part in practical sessions conducted by Ms Natalia Nehrebecka, an economic expert from Department of Statistics.
During two days of workshop they had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with: identifying Patterns in Time Series Data, working with Time Series Data, univariate time series: modelling and forecasting as well as the univariate (long-run) modelling.
The following topics, illustrated with case studies based on statistical data analyzed in NBP were practiced on the software provided for this event.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and Ms Nehrebecka for her contribution.

Representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NBRK) participated in a study visit to Domestic Operations Department, Public Relations & Marketing Department, Economic Institute, International Department and Office of the President, held between 10 and 11 of September 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to discuss possible topics of future cooperation between NBRK and NBP.

They had also a possibility to visit Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA) and discuss issues related to financial sector oversight.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Representative from the Central Bank Republic of Azerbaijan (CBA) and representatives of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) participated in the study visit to the Financial Stability Department. The study visit took place on 8-10 September 2015 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to macroprudential policy function in NBP, systemic risk – from definitions to analytical framework, solvency macro stress-testing at NBP, institutional aspects of macroprudential policy – the European perspective, macroprudential policy in the UE under CRR/CRD IV, calibration of macroprudential tools in Poland, implementing Loan-To-Value and Debt-To-Income ratios – the Polish experience, the Financial Stability Report – role in macroprudential policy as a communication tool.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest for active participation and NBP experts for their contribution.

Representatives from the Central Bank of Tunisia (CBT) participated in the study visit to the Economic Institute. The study visit took place on 7-8 September 2015 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to work together with NBP experts on the Tunisian inflation forecasting model.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest for active participation and NBP experts for their contribution.

Representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB), the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NBRK) and the National Bank of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan (NBRK) participated in a study visit to Operational Risk Management Department and Security Department of NBP, held between 13 and 17 of July 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to business continuity management, critical functions of abovementioned departments and operational risk management in NBP.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Representatives from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU): Mr Yakiv Smolii, Deputy Governor of the NBU, Mr Volodymyr Labunko and Ms Nadiia Zhyvolovych participated in the study visit to the Cash and Issue Department. The study visit took place on 10-11 June 2015 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to currency issue policy and management of cash stocks in NBP, forecasting issuance activity in NBP, cash cycle in Poland – present developments and medium term outlook.
On the second day of their stay the NBU representatives visited the Mint of Poland and the Polish Security Printing Works.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

Representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia (NBRM): Mr Dimce Dudeski, Mr Borce Gacov, Mr Dane Krstevski and Ms Sonja Stojkovska-Nikcevska participated in a study visit to the IT Department, the Payment Systems Department and the Security Department, held between 7 and 9 of July 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to business continuity management at NBP and critical functions of abovementioned departments.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The workshop The procedure for awarding public contracts and the procedure for effecting purchases-NBP experience organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Public Procurement and Purchasing Department took place on 16-18 June 2015 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During two days of workshop 16 representatives from 10 central banks had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with:

  • Public procurement system in Poland. The main rules and institutions. EU Directives (18/2004/EU);
  • The range of national low application, exclusions. New directive – proposal of implementation into polish law;
  • Procurement registry in NBP;
  • Organization of awarding public contracts in NBP;
  • Good practices in public procurement procedure.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

The workshop Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series with JDemetra+ organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Department of Statistics took place on 9 – 11 June 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the workshop 14 representatives from central banks had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with practical approach to seasonal adjustment of economic se-ries with JDemetra+.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and the NBP expert for her contribution.

Representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus participated in the third part of the internship at the Operational Risk and Compliance Department and the Security Department on 1-4 June 2015.

During the visit our guests discussed the problematic aspects of control self-assessment process as a tool to identify operational risk, Key Risk Indicators and definition of business processes from the point of view of business units and NBP. The programme also covered the topics of Business Continuity Plan at NBP.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The workshop Security of Narodowy Bank Polski from the vantage point of physical and technical means of protection, including cash storage and transportation organised by the International Department in cooperation with the Security Department, the NBP Regional Branch in Gdańsk took place on 25-28 May 2015 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw and in the NBP Regional Branch in Gdańsk.

During three days of seminar 19 representatives from 12 central banks had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with:

  • Protection of persons and property in Poland in the light of oversight exercised by the National Police Headquarters;
  • Matters concerning the classification and certification of products, premises and devices used in the protection of persons and property at banking institutions;
  • Model of managing the technical security of NBP facilities, implemented as a multiannual modernization programme;
  • The NBP Regional Branch: its organizational structure and responsibilities, the role of the NBP Regional Branch in developing the money circulation structure in the region;
  • Supply of cash to commercial banks; security of cash transport servicing in a Regional Branch facility (aspects of the technical organization of cash transport security and physical protection servicing);
  • Assessment of the extent of crime, including crimes of which banks are victims in the Pomeranian voivodeship;
  • Role and tasks of crisis management in urban agglomeration on the example of the city of Gdańsk;
  • New cash transport model at NBP and practical implementation of the transport of cash at NBP;
  • Experience of NBP in managing the mechanical resources of security devices (regionalization of service and maintenance).

After the intense three-day workshop, on the last day the representatives of central banks visited city of Gdańsk.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

The seminar on International cooperation at Narodowy Bank Polski organized for the first time by the International Department took place on 19-21 May 2015 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During two days of seminar 19 representatives from 12 central banks had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with:

  • NBP’s cooperation with international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank Group,
  • EU related activities of NBP: cooperation with the ECB and other EU institutions,
  • NBP as a fiscal agent of the Government of Poland,
  • technical cooperation in central banking,
  • organization of international conferences at NBP,
  • coordination of translation services for the internal purposes and for the ECB.


Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The workshop on Introduction to DSGE modelling at central banks organized by the Inerna-tional Department in cooperation with the Economic Institute took place on 20 – 24 April 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the workshop 9 representatives from central banks had the opportunity to famil-iarize themselves with simulating, estimating and forecasting with Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models in Dynare.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The seminar on Educational Projects at Narodowy Bank Polski organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Education and Publishing Department took place on 31 March – 2 April 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the seminar 19 representatives from central banks had the opportunity to familiar-ize themselves with:

  • delivering and enhancing financial literacy through the media educational projects of Narodowy Bank Polski,
  • the NBP educational activities in 2012-2014,
  • evaluation of educational activities and social research diagnosing the state of awareness and knowledge,
  • the NBP’s system of developing the financial campaigns,
  • NBPortal and Impuls Club,
  • the NBP Money Centre – a modern way of economic education,
  • NBP Technical Cooperation.


Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Representatives from the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBCG): Mr Ivan Bošković and Mr Igor Ivanović, the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia (NBRM): Mr Jove Apostoloski, Mr Ninoslav Markovik and Ms Natasa Sipka and the National Bank of Serbia (NBS): Ms Neda Jerkovic, Mr Ognjen Peric and Ms Milica Spasic participated in the study visit to NBP IT and Security Departments. The study visit took place at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw between 21 and 23 April 2015.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to IT security, inter alia: analysis and classification of Internet threats, presentation of the most interesting cases of cyber threats in NBP, penetration tests, cryptography in NBP, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM).

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Staff members of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic: Ms Meerim Osmonalieva, Mr Ibragim Saifullin and Mr Konstantin Zviagin participated in an internship held between 10 and 31 March 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues presented by experts of NBP’s Financial Risk Management Department, Foreign Exchange Department and Financial Transactions Settlement Department.

NBP thanks our guests for active participation and all experts for their contribution.

A staff member of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr Seiibek Sharshenov, paid a study visit to Narodowy Bank Polski (NBP) between 24 and 26t March 2015.

During the visit our guest had the opportunity to discuss the issue of consumer protection in financial markets with Mr Jan Monkiewicz, Adviser to the NBP President, and experts from the Bureau of the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. Our guest also familiarized himself with issues related to economic education, presented by experts from the Education and Publishing Department, NBP.

Representatives from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBRF): Mr Alexander Borodin, Ms Sofia Donets, Ms Elena Gorbova, Ms Olga Levashova, Mr Sergei Seleznev and Ms Elena Melnikova from the Monetary Policy Department participated in a study visit to the Economic Institute and the Financial Stability Department and the Regional Branches Department, held between 24 and 27 of March 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to theoretical overview of the MTM, structural features important for the MTM, Small GPM-type model – Bayesian estimation, business survey at NBP, medium-term forecasting – NECMOD, organizational framework of analytical works in the regional branches, analysis of the real estate market or stress-tests of the banking sector.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

A staff member of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in an internship at the Payment Systems Department of Narodowy Bank Polski, held between 3 and 9 March 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the internship our guest had the opportunity to familiarize herself with payment systems issues, such as: the tasks, the structure, and the role of the central bank in the payment system, the payment cards market in Poland, legal provisions in force and large value payment systems. Moreover, the internship addressed the issues of payment systems oversight, the Single Euro Payment Area, the overview of bank account numbering and retail payments via KIR SA – the role of the clearing house, as well as the Elixir, EuroElixir and Express Elixir systems. The participant was particularly interested in the issues of in-novations – new payment services and instruments, selected studies and analyses con-ducted by the Payment Systems Department, Securities Settlement Systems and NBP`s approach to this issue, and programme for non-cash payments development in Poland for the years 2014-2020.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia (NBRM): Mr Petar Kamcev and Ms Marika Kocalava participated in a study visit to International Department, Office of the President and Public Procurement and Purchasing Department, held between 2 and 4 of March 2015 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues related to organization and management of international conferences and seminars, public procurement legislation and main functions of the Protocol Division. Moreover, the NBRM guests were acquainted with a successful case study – the organization of the EBRD Annual Meeting in May 2014.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.