Events 2016

The workshop Modelling monetary transmission in less developed emerging markets took place on 5-8 December 2016 at NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

Six representatives from central banks took part in the event conducted by the experts from the Economic Institute.

The event drew upon the empirical skills in modelling monetary transmission in less developed emerging markets (LDEMs). Participants had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with a complex way of modelling monetary transmission in LDEMs structural vector autoregression models (SVARs) and structural models, capturing such features as the immature financial market, exchange rate interventions, and price subsidies, estimated with both classical and Bayesian methods.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of Ukraine participated in the study visit which took place on 21-22 November 2016 at NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The experts from the NBP International Department presented the topics related to NBP’s cooperation with international financial institutions, including dialogue with public administration as well as coordination of EU related activities within NBP and the NBP Technical Cooperation Programme.

During the visit our guests had also the opportunity to visit the NBP Money Centre.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and all the NBP International Department experts for their contribution.

The workshop Monetary Policy Operational Framework Development took place on 15-18 November 2016 at NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

12 representatives from central banks took part in the event conducted by the experts from the Domestic Operations Department and the Economic Institute.

The event drew upon the issues of the monetary policy strategy of NBP, liquidity position of the banking sector and its development in Poland, polish interbank market, managing banking sector liquidity, standing facilities and intra-day credit, minimum reserves system in Poland and quantitative easing: a view from Poland. Participants had also an opportunity to familiarize themselves with decision-making process in monetary policy implementation as well as to discuss choosing proper monetary policy operational framework.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.


Two representatives from the National Bank of Ukraine participated in the study visit, which took place on 9 – 10 November 2016 at the NBP Head Office and Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA) in Warsaw.

The external experts from the PFSA provided our guests with the opportunity to get acquainted with the identification of risks related to mortgage lending and real estate.

Moreover, the presentation conducted by NBP experts from the Financial Stability Department, presented the following topics: institutional aspects of macroprudential policy making in Poland, systemic risk identification for macroprudential policy making as well as the application of macroprudential policy tools: setting criteria for activation and deactivation, calibration, evaluation of effectiveness.

During the visit our guests had also the opportunity to participate in a Monetary Policy Council Press Conference and to visit the NBP Money Centre.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for their active participation and all the PFSA and NBP experts for their valuable contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of Republic of Belarus and two representatives from the National Bank of Georgia participated in the study visit which took place on 8-9 November 2016 at NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The experts from the NBP Educational and Publishing Department and Public Relations and Marketing Department presented the topics related to NBP educational projects dedicated to financial literacy as well as communication and information policy.

During the visit our guests had also the opportunity to participate in a Monetary Policy Council Press Conference and to visit the NBP Money Centre.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and all the NBP experts for their contribution.

The seminar Cash circulation, production of banknotes and coins, money counterfeiting organized by the Cash and Issue Department in cooperation with the Mint of Poland, the Polish Security Printing Works and the International Department, took place in the NBP Head Office on 25-27 October, 2016.

The seminar was addressed to central bank’s experts who work in the area of cash circulation and deal with planning and issuing banknotes and coins.

The participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of currency issue policy and management of cash stocks in NBP, cash cycle in Poland and NBP tasks in the field of notes and coins’ protection against counterfeiting in Poland. In addition, the second day of the seminar was dedicated to study visits to the Polish Security Printing Works and the Mint of Poland.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

The seminar on Payment Systems and Non-Cash Transactions organized by the Payment Systems Department in cooperation with the International Department took place on 11-13 October 2016 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

16 representatives from 10 central banks (Armenia, Belarus, Indonesia, Kyrgyz Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia) took part in the event conducted by the experts from Payment systems Department.

The event drew upon the issues of theoretical and practical aspects of the payment systems and non-cash transactions in the context of the NBP’s experience. Our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with such topics as: law governing the Polish payment system, large value payment systems, retail payments via national clearing house, payment cards market in Poland, innovations – new payment services and instruments, payment system oversight, selected studies and analyses conducted by the Payment Systems Department.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

Seminar Human Resources Management – good practices, organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Personnel Department, was held between 27-29 September 2016. The seminar took place in the NBP’s Training Centre, located in a neo-gothic historic palace in Starawieś situated 80 km away from Warsaw.

13 representatives from central banks participated in the event, which was addressed to experts from human resources departments of central banks and covered such topics as:

  • organizational structure of the NBP Personnel Department, the functions and tasks of the individual divisions,
  • employee structure,
  • employee remuneration principles,
  • introduction and acculturation of the new employees to the organisation,
  • the usage of the interim evaluation results for planning development in selected groups of employees.


Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and NBP experts for their valuable contribution.

The seminar on “Management of telecommunications security and information protection” organized by the Security Department in cooperation with the International Department took place on 20-22 September 2016 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The seminar on “Management of telecommunications security and information protection” organized by the Security Department in cooperation with the International Department took place on 20-22 September 2016 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

18 representatives from 12 central banks (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kosovo, Lebanon, Macedonia, Montenegro, Russia, Tunisia) took part in the event conducted by the experts from the NBP Security Department.

The event drew upon such issues as security policies, organization of personal data protection, technological solutions supporting IT security, methodology of conducting penetration tests, Public Key Infrastructure in NBP. Furthermore, the workshop participants had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the topic of phishing and other cyber threats.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

The internship on financial risk management organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Financial Risk Management Department, took place on 5 – 16 September 2016.

During a very intense two weeks, representatives from the Central Bank of Montenegro had an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge in the field of the financial risk management, especially on modeling in Visual Basic programme and creating adequate model for market risk analysis, main characteristics of NBP strategic asset allocation and organizational structure of NBP Financial Risk Management Department.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for their active participation and all NBP experts for the valuable contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of Ukraine participated in the study visit which took place on 15 September 2016 at NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The main goal of the visit was to provide our guests with the opportunity to get acquainted with the NBP Money Centre and the history of its foundation.

Additionally, there were meetings with the NBP Public Relations & Marketing Department and the NBP Administration Department representatives and a working lunch with the expert from the NBP Economic Institute.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and all the NBP experts for their contribution.

The NBP workshop Basic Analysis of Statistical Time Series organized by the International Department and Department of Statistics took place at the NBP Head Office on 5-7 September 2016.

6 representatives from 5 central banks took part in practical sessions conducted by Ms Natalia Nehrebecka, an economic expert from Department of Statistics.
During two days of workshop participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with: identifying Patterns in Time Series Data, working with Time Series Data, univariate time series: modelling and forecasting as well as the univariate (long-run) modelling.
The following topics, illustrated with case studies based on statistical data analyzed in NBP, were practiced on the software provided for this event.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and Ms Nehrebecka for her contribution.

Seminar The procedure for awarding public contracts and the procedure for effecting purchases – NBP experience, organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Public Procurement and Purchasing Department, was held in the NBP Head Office on 28-30 June 2016.

10 representatives from central banks participated in this event. The seminar, designed

for central banks employees dealing with awarding contracts under the public procurement and the purchasing procedures, included lectures on such topics as: public procurement system in Poland – the implementation of EU Directives, internal regulations and procedures in NBP (e.g.: planning, centralization, purchases merger, structures), organization

of awarding contracts under public procurement procedure over and below European thresholds in NBP and the range of the national law application of the public procurement resolution.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and NBP experts for their valuable contribution.

Workshop Seasonal adjustment of economic time series with JDemetra+, organized for the sixth time by the International Department in cooperation with the Department of Statistics, was held in the NBP Head Office on 27-30 June 2016.

9 representatives from central banks participated in this event. The workshop, designed for central banks econometrists and statisticians, included lectures on such topics as: introduction to the theory of seasonal adjustment – aims, basic concepts and definitions;

the role of pre-adjustment (calendar effects, outliners); seasonal adjustment methods: X-13-ARIMA and TRAMO/SEATS – assumptions, underlying concepts, characteristics, diagnostics; case studies with JDemetra+; the strategies for seasonal adjustment in central institutions and statistical agencies.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and NBP expert for her valuable contribution.

Seminar International cooperation at Narodowy Bank Polski, organized by the International Department, was held in the NBP Head Office on 14-16 June 2016.

16 representatives from central banks participated in this event. The seminar, designed for central banks experts dealing with international cooperation, included lectures on such topics as: legal and organizational aspects of the NBP’s relations with external partners;

EU-related activities of NBP: cooperation with the European Central Bank and other EU institutions, participation in the process of the EU policy coordination in Poland; NBP’s cooperation with international financial institutions: Bank for International Settlements, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund, co-ordination of translation services for internal purposes and for the European Central Bank; technical cooperation in central banking: management of NBP’s technical cooperation with central banks and similar institutions of developing and transition countries from outside the European Union and organization of international conferences at NBP: challenges and success stories.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and NBP experts for their valuable contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) participated in the study visit which took place on 7-8 June 2016 at NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The experts from the NBP Public Relations and Marketing Department, Economic Institute and the Office of the President presented the topics related to NBP communication and information policy.

During the visit our guests had also opportunity to participate in a Monetary Policy Council Press Conference and visit the newly opened NBP Money Centre.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and all the NBP experts for their contribution.


The fourth part of the internship dedicated to the risk management system organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Operational Risk and Compliance Department took place on 30 May – 2 June 2016.

Representative from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) had an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge in the following fields: clarification of methodological aspects of non-financial risk analysis and monitoring, NBP approach to self-assessment of operational risk, aspects of operational risk management and practical problematic issues in the organization and implementation of this activity, issues related to the implementation of the key risk indicators within NBP.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guest for his active participation and all the NBP experts for the valuable contribution.

The thirteenth edition of the seminar organized jointly by Narodowy Bank Polski and the Swiss National Bank took place on 23 – 25 May 2016 at NBP Headquarters in Warsaw.

21 representatives from central banks – partners of the NBP technical cooperation programme along with representatives from other banks and institutions (the Czech National Bank, Sveriges Bank, the Swiss National Bank, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund and Polish Financial Supervision Authority) took part in this event.

During the seminar the participants, among others, discussed the following topics: macroprudential policy and its toolkit, analytical frameworks for modelling real-financial sector interconnectedness, analysis of macroprudential policy effectiveness, cross countries issues and the Vienna Initiative 2.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks all the guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

Four representatives of the Central Bank of Armenia participated in the study visit which took place on 17 -20 May 2016 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to discuss the issue of data collection from non-financial institutions and households, including implementation of surveys; cooperation with national statistical office, respective legal environment creation, individual data exchange; data provision to international organizations and other users; main methods of analyzing business survey data in NBP as well as with the inflation expectations in Poland, measurement and macroeconomic testing.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and the NBP experts for their contribution.

The internship on International reserves and risks management organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Financial Transactions Settlement Department, the Foreign Exchange Department, the Financial Risk Management Department, the Accounting and Financial Department and the Legal Department took place on 25 – 29 April 2016.

Five representatives from the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic had an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge in the following fields: correspondent banking relations management, correspondent safe custody accounts, tax reporting issues, implementation of new financial instruments process, the NBP’s anti money laundering system, verification of FX trades, deposits, securities transactions, settlement issues and accounting control of foreign exchange transactions.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for their active participation and all the NBP experts for the valuable contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of Moldova participated in the study visit which took place on 26 – 28 April 2016 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The experts from the NBP Payment Systems Department presented the following topics: role of Narodowy Bank Polski in payment system, payment systems oversights, large value payment systems and integration with EU payment systems, law governing the Polish payment system and new payment services and instruments.

Moreover, the presentation conducted by two experts from the National Clearing House (KIR) provided our guests with the opportunity to get acquainted with products and services of that institution.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for their active participation and all the external and NBP experts for their valuable contribution.

Workshop Advanced econometrics: introduction to Bayesian econometrics, organized for the fifth time by the International Department in cooperation with the Economic Institute, was held in the NBP Head Office on 27-29 April 2016.

10 representatives from central banks participated in this event. The workshop, designed for central banks economists, included lectures on such topics as: Bayesian approach to inference, posterior inference in linear regression model, Bayesian Vector AutoRegresion (BVAR) model: Minnesota prior.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and NBP experts for their valuable contribution.

The workshop Introduction to DSGE modelling at central banks, organized for the sixth time by the International Department in cooperation with the Economic Institute, was held in the NBP Head Office on 18-22 April 2016.

8 representatives from central banks took part in the event lasting 5 days. The experts from the NBP Economic Institute combined their theoretical lectures (on such topics as: basic RBC model, log-linearization, DSGE models for economy policy: the New Keynesian setup) with practical sessions with usage of MATLAB and Dynare.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

Three representatives from the Bank of Albania participated in the study visit within the framework of the TAIEX programme, which took place on 13 – 15 April 2016 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The external experts from the Podlaski Provincial Office in Białystok, the Polish Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA) presented the following topics: Internal Document Management System in the Podlaski Provincial Office in Białystok; the Electronic Management System in the MoF and the internal documents management system applied in the PFSA.

Moreover, the presentation conducted by NBP experts from the Administration Department, International Department and Internal Operations Settlement Department, provided our guests with the opportunity to get acquainted with the process of distribution of documents within NBP as well as with the electronic management of the EU related documents (DOKER system).

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for their active participation and all the external and NBP experts for their valuable contribution.

The workshop Enhancing FDI presentation, organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Department of Statistics, was held in the NBP Head Office on 13-15 April 2016.

12 representatives from central banks participated in the event conducted by the experts from the Department of Statistics. The workshop covered various theoretical and practical aspects of uses of FDI statistics (i.e. data collection and compilation, production of back-data according to revised standards, presentation of FDI data and communication challenges)

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

Two representatives of the National Bank of Moldova participated in the study visit to the Narodowy Bank Polski Economic Institute. The study visit took place on 12 April 2016 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with research priorities at NBP, organization of research activity and its effects as well as international research cooperation.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and the NBP experts for their contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of Moldova participated in the study visit which took place on 30 – 31 March 2016 at NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The experts from the NBP Cash and Issue Department presented the following topics: quality of notes and coins and their security features to protect them against counterfeiting; worn and damaged domestic notes and coins; grading, scanning and storage of counterfeit banknotes.

During the visit our guests obtained also practical knowledge related to counterfeit banknotes and coins, both domestic and foreign.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and all the NBP experts for their contribution.

One representative from the Banking Supervision Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) participated in the study visit which took place on 14 March 2016 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit our guest had the opportunity to familiarize himself with various aspects of Asset Quality Review (AQR) methodology.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest for the active participation and the NBP experts for their contribution.

Two representatives of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) participated in the study visit which took place on 16–17 February 2016 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The experts from the NBP Public Relations and Marketing Department presented the following topics: communication with financial markets and public opinion, social media in the NBP’s communication policy, the NBP website, internal communication and the NBP economic education programme. Moreover, our guests got acquainted with a case study of a communication campaign “Check before you sign” conducted by NBP.

The presentation of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority’s (PFSA) Public Communication Department enabled participants to obtain knowledge on the PFSA’s mandate, fulfillment of the financial markets oversight, public relations and communications.

During the teleconference with an expert from the Swiss National Bank our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the topic of communication policy of the Swiss National Bank.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for their active participation and all the NBP and external experts for their contribution.