Events 2019

Two representatives from the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in the study visit which took place on 20-22 November 2019 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The NBKR representatives met with experts from the Office of the NBP President and International Department. Our guests studied experience of Narodowy Bank Polski on dealing with matters of protocol and representation, organization of international conferences at NBP and coordination of foreign technical cooperation extended by NBP to central banks of countries under economic transition outside the European Union.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus participated in the study visit which took place on 19-20 November 2019 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The visit was aimed at discussing about the organisation of translation services at NBP, mainly focusing on coordination of translation services for the NBP internal purposes and the use of a computer-assisted translation tools.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The NBP seminar on Payment systems and non-cash transactions organized by the Payment Systems Department in cooperation with the International Department took place on 8-10 October 2019 at NBP Regional Branch in Cracow.

23 representatives from 16 central banks took part in the event conducted by experts from the NBP Payment Systems Department and the National Clearing House.

The event was a platform to discuss the aspects of payment systems, payment system oversight, non-cash payment instruments, securities settlement systems and innovations.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

Five representatives from the National Bank of Kazakhstan participated in the study visit which took place on 7-8 October 2019 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The NBK representatives met with experts from two NBP departments: Economic Analysis and Financial Stability. Our guests studied experience of Narodowy Bank Polski on issues related to inflation targeting regime, transparency and communication of monetary and exchange rate policies.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Three representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus participated in the study visit which took place on 24-25 September 2019 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus met with the experts from two departments of NBP: Accounting and Finance and Financial Transactions Settlement. They discussed various aspects of the central bank accounting as well as financial and tax policies.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and all the NBP experts for their contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in as study visit dedicated to PR in central banking organized by the Public Relations and Marketing Department. Visit took place in the NBP Head Office on 20 September 2019.

The event drew upon issues such as: promotional activities at NBP, public communication polices as well as the internet communication of NBP, with particular focus on social media.

Furthermore, during the visit our guests also had an opportunity to overlook the Media studio practices.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for the active participation and all the NBP experts for their contribution.

The NBP seminar on Monetary policy communication under an inflation targeting framework, organized by the Economic Analysis Department in cooperation with the International Department took place on 17-20 September 2019 at NBP Headquarters in Warsaw.

19 representatives from 13 central banks took part in the event conducted by experts from the NBP Economic Analysis Department, Public Relations Department and the following institutions: the European Central Bank and Česká národní banka.

The event was a platform to discuss the aspects of monetary policy communication decision-making process.

Moreover participants shared their institutions’ experience by giving short presentations on topics related to the monetary policy strategy and central bank’s communication tools used in their banks

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

Two representatives from the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CBRA) participated in the study visit which took place on 16-17 September 2019 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the visit the following topics were discussed: principles of conducting educational activity in NBP, educational projects addressed to schools, academic environments and external entities, NBP own educational activities, social research and evaluation of educational activities, functioning of the NBP’s Money Center.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Representatives from the Bank Al-Magrib participated in a study visit to the NBP Economic Research Department. The visit took place on 2-13 September 2019 in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw

The visit was aimed at discussing analytical tools and technics for dealing with large granular (entity-level) data sets. Several stages of the analytical processes were covered – from data validation and data cleaning to data visualisation and statistical analysis. The discussions focused on ways a central bank can use data from financial statements of individual firms for systemic risk and financial stability assessment.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank our guests for active participation in the visit and all NBP’s experts for their contribution.

The workshop Advanced financial risk management methods organized for the tenth time by the International Department in cooperation with the Financial Risk Management Department, took place in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw on 10-12 June 2019. The workshop was addressed to experts responsible for financial risk management and strategic asset allocation.

During three days of interactive sessions, the participants had an opportunity to share experience among each other and with the NBP experts and discuss the recent challenges in reserves management.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

The delegation from the Swiss National Bank (SNB), headed by Mr Marco Cavaliere, Head of the Bilateral Cooperation, including Ms Lena Lee Andresen, Deputy Head and Ms Nasiba Imaralieva, Senior Economist, paid a visit to the NBP International Department. This short, yet fruitful visit took place on 6 June 2019 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

During the meetings with Mr Paweł Samecki, Member of the Management Board of NBP, Ms Agata Łagowska, Director, and Ms Bożena Śliwińska, Deputy Director of the NBP International Department along with the team from the Technical Cooperation Division, such topics as the technical cooperation at NBP and SNB and future projects, including the 16th joint seminar of NBP and SNB were discussed.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) and two representatives from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) participated in a visit devoted to currency regulation system and de-dollarisation of the national economy, which was organized by the NBP Economic Research, Domestics Operations and Statistics Departments supported by the representatives of the Polish Ministry of Finance. The visit took place in the NBP Head Office on 23-24 May 2019.

The participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of de-dollarization of the national economy as well as the obligations of Polish residents on reporting in the field of currency circulation.

The guests had also an opportunity to visit all exhibitions of the NBP Money Centre.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all experts for their contribution.

The NBP seminar on The fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism, organized by the Accounting and Finance Department in cooperation with the International Department, took place on 21-23 May 2019 at NBP Headquarters in Warsaw.

27 representatives from 15 central banks took part in the event conducted by experts from NBP Accounting and Finance Department, Domestic Operations Department and the following institutions: the Ministry of Finance, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and one of the Polish commercial bank.

The event drew upon the issues of the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism such as: the system of combating money laundering and terrorism financing in Poland, functions of the Polish Financial Intelligence Unit, the role of financial market supervisor in the fight against money laundering, international anti-money laundering regulations and legal framework in Poland, the role of the commercial bank in the anti-money laundering system as well as the implementation of the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism in NBP.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

The workshop Cash transport carried out at Narodowy Bank Polski organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Security Department and the NBP Regional Branch in Poznań, took place in the NBP Head Office in Warsaw and in Poznań on 14-16 May 2019. The workshop was addressed to central bank staff of the security or cash management divisions who organize the transport of cash.

The participants had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the security of the banking sector in Poland, a new model of performing cash transport at NBP and NBP Regional Branch role in forming money circulation structure in the region.

In addition, the third day was dedicated to observation of the cash transport, convoy group exercises and practical activities on the autodrome.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (NBKR) participated in the study visit which took place on 13-17 May 2019 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw. The visit was the part of the technical cooperation provided by NBP to NBKR that has started last fall with the visit of NBP expert/director of research at the NBKR.

During the visit the topic of building a DSGE model for the Kyrgyz economy and its use in the forecasting process was discussed.

The event drew upon such issues as: matching model to the data, key elements in Bayesian estimation, as well as addressing modelling challenges related to Kyrgyz economy.

The NBP experts presented various aspects related to NBP experience in the development of macroeconomic models and their usage in forecasting procedure.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Two representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus participated in the internship at NBP organized under Component 4 (Financial Risk Management) of the Twinning Project Strengthening the National Bank of Belarus. The internship took place on 13-17 May 2019 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The event drew upon such issues as scoring model for counterparty creditworthiness assessment, risk management in monetary policy operations, IT tools supporting credit risk management, sovereign risk monitoring, market risk measures, benchmarking and reporting on foreign reserves management.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The seminar Cash circulation, production of banknotes and coins, money counterfeiting organized by the Cash and Issue Department in cooperation with the Mint of Poland, the Polish Security Printing Works and the International Department, took place in the NBP Head Office on 23-25 April 2019. The seminar was addressed to central bank’s experts who work in the area of cash circulation and deal with planning and issuing banknotes and coins.

The participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of currency issue policy and management of cash stocks in NBP, coins quality control, cash cycle in Poland, NBP’s tasks in the field of notes and coins’ protection against counterfeiting in Poland as well as the NBP’s collector coins and banknotes.

In addition, the second and third days of the seminar were dedicated to study visits to the Polish Security Printing Works and the Mint of Poland.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

Three representatives from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus participated in the internship at NBP organized under Component 4 (Financial Risk Management) of the Twinning Project Strengthening the National Bank of Belarus. The internship took place on 18-22 March 2019 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.

The event drew upon such issues as credit claims as ELA collateral (eligibility criteria, valuation, credit risk analysis, legal framework and vindication), scoring model for counterparty creditworthiness assessment, credit risk measures, reporting on foreign reserves management, market risk measures and benchmarking.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.