Events 2020
8-11 December 2020, Webinar Panel data analysis
Webinar “Panel data analysis”, organized for the first time in remote form by the International Department in cooperation with the Statistic Department on 8-11 December 2020.
13 representatives from partner central banks participated in this event. During four days of webinar they had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with: statistical analysis and econometric models, linear models with exogenous covariates and endogenous variables, dynamic linear models and nonlinear models.
Topics discuses during the webinar were illustrated with case studies based on statistical data analysed in Narodowy Bank Polski. Software was made available to participant during the sessions.
Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and NBP expert for her contribution.
17-18 November 2020, On-line study visit: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus to the Financial Transactions Settlement Department
On 17-18 November 2020 representatives of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP.
The NBRB representatives met with experts from the Financial Transactions Settlement Department who delivered the presentations on i.a. settlement of transactions and back office processes, reconciliation and controlling processes as well as contractual work, regulatory and legal regulations of establishing correspondent banking relationships.
Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.
17-18 November 2020, Webinar The procedure for awarding contracts in the new Public Procurement Law
On 17-18 November 2020 the webinar “The procedure for awarding contracts in the new Public Procurement Law”, was organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Public Procurement and Purchasing Department.
43 representatives from central banks participated in this event. The webinar, designed for central banks employees dealing with awarding contracts under the public procurement and the purchasing procedures, included lectures on such topics as: organization of awarding public contracts at the NBP, new public procurement law – solutions supporting on planning process and contracts transparency, contract under new Polish procurement law and Electronic Procurement System.
Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and NBP experts for their valuable contribution.
20-21 October 2020, Economic education at Narodowy Bank Polski
The webinar on Educational Projects at Narodowy Bank Polski organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Education and Publishing Department took place on 20-21 October 2020.
Twenty nine participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of key educational activities co-financed by NBP, social research and evaluation of educational activities, types of educational activities, educational tools, grant award procedure as well as the NBP Money Centre.
The webinar was addressed mostly to central banks’ employees involved in educational activity.
Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all speakers for their contribution.
29 September – 1 October 2020, Webinar on Advanced econometrics: introduction to Bayesian econometrics
The first of the NBPs’ webinar on Advanced econometrics: introduction to Bayesian econometrics organized jointly by the Financial Stability Department and Research and Financial Innovation Department took place on 29 September – 1 October 2020.
Fifty eight central bank representatives had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of Bayesian econometrics.
During the sessions the NBP’s experts lectured on topics such as:
- Bayes’ formula;
- Elements of Bayesian inference: estimation, prediction and model comparison;
- Pooling inferences from individual models (Bayesian Model Averaging);
- Linear regression model from Bayesian point of view;
- Basic Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods;
- Reduced form VAR with Minnesota prior;
- Reduced form VAR with Normal-Wishart prior;
- Structural VAR with flat prior;
- Structural VAR with Sims and Zha prior setup;
- Structural VAR with zero/sign restriction.
Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.
22, 29 September, 27 October 2020, On-line study visit: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Financial Transactions Settlement Department
The representative of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP which took place on 22 and 29 September and 27 October 2020.
The NBRK representative using videoconferences technology met with experts from the Financial Transactions Settlement Department who delivered the presentations on establishing correspondent banking relationships with foreign banks (nostro accounts, custody) and actions in case of the contractor’s failure to comply with the terms of transaction agreements, including risk elimination.
Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guest for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.
24-25, 28-29 September 2020, On-line study visit: National Bank of Republic of Belarus to the Statistic Department
Fourteen representatives of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus participated in the on-line study visit on analysis of time series organized by NBP which took place on 24-25 and 28-29 September 2020.
Four days of practical sessions, conducted by the economic expert from the Statistics Department using videoconferences technology, were devoted to identifying patterns in time series data, working with time series data and univariate time series: modelling and forecasting. The following topics, illustrated with case studies based on statistical data analyzed in NBP, were practiced on the software GRETL.
Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and the expert for her contribution.
16-17 July 2020, On-line study visit: National Bank of Ukraine to the Financial Risk Management, Domestic Operations and Legal Departments
Fifteen representatives of the National Bank of Ukraine participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP which took place on 16-17 July 2020.
The NBU representatives met with the experts from the Financial Risk Management, Domestic Operations and Legal Departments using videoconferences technology. They discussed on overview of Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) and utilization of credit claims as collateral and monitoring of the credit claims quality, assessment of ELA collateral adequacy as well as legal framework for assignment of credit claims as collateral and vindication framework in case of bank’s default.
Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.
27 January – 11 March 2020, Internship of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan
The internship on communication of the monetary policy at central bank organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Economic Analysis Department within the NBP Technical Cooperation Programme took place on 27 January – 11 March 2020.
The representative of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan had a chance to meet the NBP experts from the Economic Analysis Department and Financial Stability Department, who shared their experience and knowledge in communication of the monetary policy and inflation forecasting.
Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all experts for their valuable contribution.
23-24 January 2020, National Bank of Ukraine to the Financial Stability Department
Two representatives from the National Bank of Ukraine participated in the visit which took place on 23-24 January 2020 at the NBP Head Office in Warsaw.
The NBU representatives met with experts from the Financial Stability Department. They discussed on countercyclical capital buffer and macro stress testing as well as modeling and forecasting the credit growth and credit risk
Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.