Events 2021

Four representatives of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in the on-line study visit organized by NBP on 16-17 December 2021.

The NBRK representatives met with NBP experts from the Department of Statistics using videoconferences technology. They discussed on financial and prudential reporting process, including XBRL and SDMX characteristics. NBP Statistical Hub was also presented.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The webinar Panel Data Analysis organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Department of Statistics of NBP took place from 7th to 10th December, 2021.

Seven participants of that very interactive workshop had an opportunity to structure and enhance their knowledge on analytical problems of the panel data analysis and also learn the practical implementation of the STATA software.

The webinar was addressed to central banks’ employees involved in data analyses and statistics.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for very active participation and the colleague from Department of Statistics for her contribution.

Three representatives from the Central Bank of Kosovo participated in the internship organized via Webex from 6 to 10 of December 2021. During the event the CBK representatives had a chance to meet virtually with NBP experts from the Economic Analysis and Research Department.

The internship focused mainly on inflation and GDP forecasting. During very intense 5 days event CBK experts had an opportunity to accustomed with short-term inflation forecasting system at NBP, Matlab codes or on pure inflation measurement across the EU and core inflation indicators

The internship was organized within the initiative of the European Commission entitled “Programme for Strengthening the Central Bank Capacities in the Western Balkans with a view to the integration to the European System of Central Banks”.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Four representatives from the National Bank of Serbia participated in the internship organized via Webex from 1 to 3 of December 2021. During the event the NBS representatives had a chance to meet virtually with NBP experts from the International Department, Financial Transactions Settlement Department and Accounting and Finance Department.

The internship focused on international relations issues and was divided into 3 training sessions. Session 1. and 2. – cooperation with international financial institutions (the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, including activities of recording and controlling the implementation of financial transactions with the IMF in NBP), session 3 – European integration.

The internship was organized within the initiative of the European Commission entitled “Programme for Strengthening the Central Bank Capacities in the Western Balkans with a view to the integration to the European System of Central Banks”.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The webinar Web-scraping and the use of on-line prices for forecasting purposes was organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Economic Analysis and Research Department and took place on-line from 8 to 10 November, 2021.

Twenty two participants were staff members involved in inflation forecasting and micro-price analysis. They had also an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of various packages of the Python programming language during practical sessions.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and the colleague from Economic Analysis and Research Department for his contribution.

The webinar Cash circulation, production of banknotes and coins, money counterfeiting organized by the Cash and Issue Department in cooperation with the Mint of Poland, the Polish Security Printing Works and the International Department, took place on 4-5 November 2021.

On-line form of event enabled inviting more participants and hence over 40 participants had an opportunity to discuss and get acquainted with topics related to cash circulation in Poland.

In addition, the second day of the webinar was dedicated mainly to the process of production of banknotes and coins by the Polish Security Printing Works and the Mint of Poland.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP and external experts for their contribution.

Webinar Combining density forecasts of inflation by minimizing the Continuous Rank Probability Score (CRPS) organized jointly by the International Department and Economic Analysis and Research Department took place on 28 October 2021.

During the sessions the NBP’s expert combined theoretical lectures on topics such as: Continuous Rank Probability Score (CRPS) for the mixture of predictive distributions, equal weights versus time-varying weights based on minimizing the CRPS, optimal combining using Mathematica with practical session on experiment for inflation predictive densities used in NBP.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and the expert for his valuable contribution.

Sixty one representatives of the National Bank of Ukraine participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP on 26 October 2021.

The visit was devoted to the Early Warning System (EWS) and calibration of the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) in Poland.

The participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of current framework and research for CCyB calibration in Poland as well as issues regarding the EWS implementation.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The webinar Time Series Analysis organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Department of Statistics of NBP took place from 28 September – 1 October 2021.

Nine participants of that very interactive workshop had an opportunity to structure and enhance their knowledge on analytical problems of time series statistics and also learn the practical implementation of the R-Studio software.

The webinar was addressed to central banks’ employees involved in data analyses and statistics.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for very active participation and the colleague from Department of Statistics for her contribution.

Webinar The new Keynesian model: applications to monetary policy analysis and forecasting organized jointly by the International Department and Research and Financial Innovation Department took place on 27 September – 1 October 2021.

During the sessions the NBP experts combined their theoretical lectures (on topics such as: basic RBC model, the New Keynesian models and the Bayesian estimation of DSGE models) with practical sessions (using MATLAB and Dynare).

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

The webinar Advanced econometrics: introduction to Bayesian econometrics organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Financial Stability and Research and Financial Innovation Departments of NBP took place from 20 to 22 September 2021.

Seventeen participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge on implementation of Bayesian formulas in econometric models as well as in econometric tools, devoted to analytical works. The webinar was addressed to central banks’ employees involved monetary policy modelling and analyses.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and colleagues from respective Departments for their contributions.

Five representatives of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP on 15-16 September 2021

The visit was devoted to the operational processes as to the services provided to state treasury and payment system operations. The NBP experts from the three NBP departments: Domestic Operations, Financial Transactions Settlements and Accounting and Finance exchanged their experience with the guests. The visit was organized using videoconferences technology.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The webinar on Short-term forecasting – dynamic factor models and their popular applications, organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Economic Analysis Department took place on 7 – 9 September 2021.

Twenty nine participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of:

  • Statistical factor analysis and principal component analysis (PCA);
  • Data collection and pre-processing in data-rich environment framework;
  • Dynamic factor model (DFM);
  • Leading indicators and short-term inflation forecasting;
  • Ragged edges, mixed data frequency and multi-level factor structure in DFM;
  • The concept of pure inflation as an application of DFM framework.

This practical workshop in Matlab was intended for central bank analysts and forecasters interested in the implementation of dynamic factor models in their research activities on inflation processes or in forecasting inflation in a large data set environment.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all speakers for their contribution

Four representatives of the Central Bank of Armenia participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP which took place on 3 and 10 September 2021.

The CBA representatives met with the experts from the Controlling and Operational Risk Department using videoconferences technology. They discussed on cost controlling of investments and projects as well as IT tools in NBP controlling.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

The 17th edition of the seminar organized jointly by Narodowy Bank Polski and the Swiss National Bank took place on 28-29 June 2021. This year’s edition of the seminar was titled Modelling of the financial system for systemic risk assessment. Having in mind safety of our distinguished speakers and guests, the two banks have made a decision to organize the seminar in an on-line form on Webex platform.

Representatives from central banks – partners of the NBP technical cooperation programme along with speakers from other banks and institutions (European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund, Czech National Bank, National Bank of Romania and Oxford University) took part in this event.

On-line form of event enabled inviting more participants and hence almost 70 participants had an opportunity to discuss and get acquainted with the topics relevant to modelling of the financial system for systemic risk assessment.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to express gratitude to our guests for active participation and all SNB, NBP and external experts for their contribution.

Seven representatives of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP on 8-9 and 17-18 June 2021.

The NBRK representatives met with the NBP’s experts using videoconferences technology. They discussed on the preparation of NBP`s financial and investment plans, as well as public procurement procedures.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP’s experts for their contribution.

The webinar Multimedia in communication of central banks: preparation, post-production and video streaming – organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Communications Department of NBP took place on 21 May 2021.

Thirty participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge on implementation of multimedia tools, software and equipment as well as activities of Narodowy Bank Polski in social media.

The webinar was addressed to central banks’ employees involved in external activities of their banks.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

The webinar Economic education at Narodowy Bank Polski organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Education and Publishing Department took place on 11-12 May 2021.

Twenty nine participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of educational activities co-financed by NBP, social research and evaluation, types of educational activities, educational tools, grant award procedure as well as the organization of the NBP Money Centre.

The webinar was addressed to central banks’ employees involved in educational activity.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all speakers for their contribution.

Five representatives of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP on 7 May 2021.

The visit was devoted to the surveys of professional forecasters and statistical techniques in processing data. The CBRT representatives exchanged their experience with experts from the NBP Research and Financial Innovation Department. The visit was organized using videoconferences technology.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests and all NBP experts for their contribution.

On 19-23 April 2021 the webinar Enhanced FDI presentations, was organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Statistic Department, Department of Economic Analysis and Warsaw School of Economics.

17 representatives from central banks participated in this event. The webinar, designed for central banks employees working with FDI statistics, included lectures on such topics as: data collection and compilation, supplemental data series, research issues for the update of the statistical standards in FDI, presentations according to assets/liabilities and directional principles, producing longer time-series of FDI with revised standards, communication challenges and presentations of FDI data.

Narodowy Bank Polski would like to thank all guests for active participation and all experts for their valuable contribution.

On 15 April 2021 five representatives of the National Bank of Ukraine participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP. It was the first of the planned regular meetings with experts from the NBP Education and Publishing Department. NBP supports the NBU in the process of creation and preparation of the Money Museum. The NBP Money Centre is the main inspiration for the NBU.

NBP’s experts shared their experience in such issues as: planning and implementation of the facility creation process, creating an educational offer, multimedia planning and application design and managing the facility from the administrative and technical side.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

Four representatives of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in on-line study visit organized by NBP on 11-12 March 2021.

The NBRK representatives met with the experts from the Foreign Exchange Department using videoconferences technology. They discussed on foreign reserves management at NBP – instruments and practical aspect of active portfolio management.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and all NBP experts for their contribution.

High-level representatives of the Lithuanian and Polish central banks, the EU Delegation to Ukraine and the National Bank of Ukraine met online to mark the launch of the EU-funded twinning project to strengthen Ukraine’s central bank.

On 9 March 2021, Dmytro Sologub, Deputy Governor of the NBU, Chloe Allio, Head of Section of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, Marta Gajęcka, Board Member of Narodowy Bank Polski, and Vitas Vasiliauskas, Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, met online to officially kick-start the twinning project. The meeting was attended by NBU staff, officials from relevant sectoral ministries and agencies, representatives of business associations, diplomats, academics, and journalists. The project is funded by the EU. The project’s budget amounts to EUR 1 million.

The project will run until June 2022 and will be attended by dozens of experts from Narodowy Bank Polski and the Bank of Lithuania in cooperation with specialists from five other European national central banks.

The project will cover four areas (components). The first one is developing approaches to banking supervision. The NBU as a regulator will be able to better assess the condition of the banking sector; while banks – by meeting the new requirements – should be a safer place from the customer’s perspective. The second area is implementing an instant payments system. The project aims to help develop payment systems in Ukraine and define for Ukraine the most suitable model of instant payments, its architecture, and the road map for its implementation.

Thirdly, for the modernization of the NBU, the twinning project will provide inspiration on how to improve strategic planning at different levels. Fourthly, the NBU will receive know-how and support for the development of its international activities.

Currently, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all project activities are carried out remotely.

In his speech Dmytro Sologub stressed that integration with the EU is a long-term and extremely ambitious project for Ukraine and that the NBU would make every effort to effectively implement the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.

Marta Gajęcka, NBP Board Member, underlined that Poland had always supported Ukraine’s close cooperation with the institutions of the European Union. Ms Gajęcka also highlighted that for many years Narodowy Bank Polski had been supporting the Ukrainian central bank in becoming a modern and well-managed institution, appreciated in many areas and rewarded for its significant achievements.

The Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania V. Vasiliauskas, referred to the concrete steps taken under the guidance of the EU-funded twinning project to share the best central banking practices and help all the central banks involved become more efficient and internationally active institutions creating value added for the societies of their countries.

Chloé Allio, Head of Section of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, stressed that the National Bank of Ukraine is already a strong, independent and technically competent institution and that she was certain this twinning project would help to step up the alignment with EU practices in banking and payments and would further advance the international standing of the NBU.