Bullion coins price table of 2022-02-01

Sell prices of bullion coins issued by Narodowy Bank Polski

Denomination[oz][g]Price in PLN
50 zł1/103.10957.13
100 zł1/47.782,217.30
200 zł1/215.554,320.96
500 zł131.108,420.33

The table is updated every working day between 8:00 am and 8:30 am.

Sell prices of bullion coins issued by Narodowy Bank Polski

DenominationThe number of pieces in the packagePrice for the package in PLN
50 zł54,712.00
100 zł510,901.73
200 zł521,235.47
500 zł541,363.00

The table is updated every working day between 8:00 am and 8:30 am.

See ounce coins