Bullion coins price table of 2023-09-07
Sell prices of bullion coins issued by Narodowy Bank Polski
Denomination | [oz] | [g] | Price in PLN |
50 zł | 1/10 | 3.10 | 1,043.41 |
100 zł | 1/4 | 7.78 | 2,417.18 |
200 zł | 1/2 | 15.55 | 4,710.48 |
500 zł | 1 | 31.10 | 9,179.40 |
The table is updated every working day between 8:00 am and 8:30 am.
Sell prices of bullion coins issued by Narodowy Bank Polski
Denomination | The number of pieces in the package | Price for the package in PLN |
50 zł | 5 | 5,136.77 |
100 zł | 5 | 11,884.49 |
200 zł | 5 | 23,149.79 |
500 zł | 5 | 45,091.77 |
The table is updated every working day between 8:00 am and 8:30 am.