Card charges reduction

The Program of card charges reduction in Poland has been developed by the Interchange Fee Task Force (IFTF) established by the Payment System Council

The Program of card charges reduction in Poland has been developed by the Interchange Fee Task Force (IFTF) established by the Payment System Council

The Program of card charges reduction in Poland has been developed by the Interchange Fee Task Force (IFTF) established by the Payment System Council. The Program has been accepted by the majority of the IFTF members representing all parties to the card schemes, and on 30 March 2012 was approved by the Payment System Council. The Program presents a compromise solution of a non-regulatory nature with regard to the level of interchange fees in Poland. The main purpose of the Program is to create a situation where a consumer will be able to make non-cash payments in a maximum number of points of sale in Poland and regardless of the transaction value.

The Program stipulates a gradual reduction in interchange fees in Poland by 2017 to the average EU level. It is proposed, in particular, that the level of the interchange fee be unconditionally reduced beginning 1 January 2013, at the latest, to 1.1% of the transaction value for debit cards and to 1.2% for credit cards. In subsequent years further interchange fee reductions will depend on selected indicators of non-cash trading growth.

In April 2012 the Program was submitted by Narodowy Bank Polski to card organisations operating in Poland (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club) with a request that they present their position regarding the proposals comprised in the Program by 30 May 2012.


Program of reduction of card charges in Poland 

Analysis of the interchange fee in Poland