Poland’s reserve assets in September 2024

NBP data: At the end of September 2024, Poland’s official reserve assets, managed by Narodowy Bank Polski, stood at EUR 195.3bn, or USD 218.8bn in US dollar terms.

On 7 October 2024, Narodowy Bank Polski released the monthly data on the country’s official reserve asset holdings. According to the release, these holdings expressed in euro terms amounted to EUR 195.3bn as at the end of September 2024, i.e. EUR 2.7bn more than at the end of August 2024. In US dollar terms, the reserve holdings increased by USD 5.5bn, reaching USD 218.8bn.

In managing foreign exchange reserves, Narodowy Bank Polski – while striving to maximize the return on the assets – gives priority to their safe investment and the requisite level of liquidity. NBP invests in typical instruments used by central banks. The bulk of the reserves is invested in Treasury securities as well as securities issued by international institutions and government agencies. The remainder of the reserves is maintained primarily in the form of term deposits at banks with a high credit standing and in monetary gold.