Grzegorz Wojtowicz

Doctor of economics | Member of the MPC (1998-2004)

Doctor of economics | Member of the MPC (1998-2004)

Grzegorz Wojtowicz was born on October 2, 1947. He graduated in foreign trade from the Central School of Planning and Statistics (now the Central School of Commerce), and holds a doctorate in economics.

In the years 1970-91, he worked for the National Bank of Poland. Up until 1978, he was employed at the Bank’s Voivodship Branch in Koszalin as a loan specialist. He subsequently moved to the international division at Head Office, to work first as chief specialist, then deputy director, and then director of department. In 1984, he was appointed to the Management Board of the NBP. In the years 1989-91, he held the post of NBP Vice President, and in 1991 – that of President of the NBP.

During his time at the central bank, Grzegorz Wojtowicz took part in negotiations with the Paris Club and the London Club. He represented Poland at the World Bank as Vice Governor and then Governor, and was also a Governor at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He was the author of the term WIG – Warszawski Indeks Gieldowy (Warsaw Stock Exchange Index).

In 1992, he joined the company Sobieslaw Zasada Ltd as chief financial officer. In addition, in the period 1996-98 he chaired the Supervisory Board of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie SA, and then that of Bank Gospodarki Zywnosciowej SA. He has been involved in the work of commissions of the Polish Sejm as an expert in banking law, monetary policy and macroeconomic issues. He was the author of over 600 publications, primarily dealing with monetary policy, the balance of payments and banking practice.

He was the Chairman of the University Ranking Chapter (Kapitula Rankingu Wyzszych Uczelni) of the monthly magazine Perspektywy and daily Rzeczpospolita. He was also a member of the Program Council of Bank.

He died on 15 June 2009.