Webinar Modelling of the financial system for systemic risk assessment
The 17th edition of the seminar organized jointly by Narodowy Bank Polski and the Swiss National Bank took place on 28-29 June 2021. This year’s edition of the seminar was titled Modelling of the financial system for systemic risk assessment. Having in mind safety of our distinguished speakers and guests, the two banks have made a decision…
Representatives from central banks – partners of the NBP technical cooperation programme along with speakers from other banks and institutions (European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund, Czech National Bank, National Bank of Romania and Oxford University) took part in this event.
On-line form of event enabled inviting more participants and hence almost 70 participants had an opportunity to discuss and get acquainted with the topics relevant to modelling of the financial system for systemic risk assessment.
Narodowy Bank Polski would like to express gratitude to our guests for active participation and all SNB, NBP and external experts for their contribution.