Webinar on Dynamic factor models and their popular applications

The webinar on Dynamic factor models and their popular applications, organized by the International Department in cooperation with the Economic Analysis and Research Department took place on 20 – 22 September 2022.

Nineteen participants had an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of:

  • Statistical factor analysis and principal component analysis (PCA);
  • Data collection and pre-processing in data-rich environment framework;
  • Dynamic factor model (DFM);
  • Leading indicators and short-term inflation forecasting;
  • Ragged edges, mixed data frequency and multi-level factor structure in DFM;
  • The concept of pure inflation as an application of DFM framework.

This practical workshop in Matlab was intended for central bank analysts and forecasters interested in the implementation of dynamic factor models in their research activities on inflation processes or in forecasting inflation in a large data set environment.

Narodowy Bank Polski thanks our guests for active participation and speaker for his contribution.