NBP Management Board
The activity of Narodowy Bank Polski is directed by its Management BoardThe activity of Narodowy Bank Polski is directed by its Management Board
The activity of Narodowy Bank Polski is directed by its Management Board. This is composed of the Governor of NBP, in his/her capacity as Chairperson, and six to eight other Board members, of which two are Deputy Governors of NBP.
The Board is responsible for implementing resolutions of the Monetary Policy Council and for adopting resolutions on matters not reserved by statute for the exclusive authority of other bodies of NBP.
The terms of reference of the Management Board include, in particular:
- adopting resolutions on the licensing of banks to conduct foreign exchange operations,
- performing responsibilities with respect to exchange rate policies,
- performing periodic assessments of the circulation of currency and monetary settlements, and also of foreign exchange operations,
- supervising open market operations,
- assessing the operation of the banking system,
- adopting the NBP plan of operations and financial plan,
- determining the kinds of banking fee and commission to be charged by NBP and specifying the rates applicable,
- specifying the principles applicable in NBP funds management,
- establishing the organisational structure and division of responsibilities within NBP,
- determining NBP personnel and staff compensation policies,
- adopting the annual report on the operations of NBP,
- drawing up the balance sheet and profit and loss account of NBP,
- drawing up accounts of the national balance of payments,
- preparing and examining draft resolutions and other materials to be submitted to the Monetary Policy Council.
Composition of the NBP Management Board:
- Adam Glapiński, NBP Governor
- Marta Kightley, First Deputy Governor
- Adam Lipiński, Deputy Governor
- Marta Gajęcka
- Paweł Mucha
- Piotr Pogonowski
- Artur Soboń
- Rafał Sura
- Paweł Szałamacha