Legal Department

The responsibilities of the Legal Department involve providing legislative and legal support to the Governor of NBP, the Monetary Policy Council, the NBP Management Board [...]

The responsibilities of the Legal Department involve providing legislative and legal support to the Governor of NBP, the Monetary Policy Council, the NBP Management Board […]

Director: Dorota Szymanek

The responsibilities of the Legal Department involve providing legislative and legal support to the Governor of NBP, the Monetary Policy Council, the NBP Management Board, the NBP Head Office and also overseeing the legal support provided within other organisational units of NBP.

Moreover, the Legal Department:

  • coordinates NBP’s cooperation with the legislative and executive authorities of the Republic of Poland,
  • drafts legislation concerning the operations of NBP and the banking system,
  • delivers opinions on draft legal regulations of NBP, draft legal regulations submitted by the Sejm, the Senate, the Chancellery of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and other central institutions of the government and civil services as well as by the European Central Bank,
  • designs and implements solutions supporting the compliance function,
  • edits the Official Journal of NBP.